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The Waste Watchers group are dedicated to keeping Hampton Hill litter-free. Their co-ordinator George Andrews is convinced that, 'ever-present litter is as distasteful and anti-social as other environmental damage.' It was in his role as co-ordinator that George won the Richmond Borough Environment Award,  for individuals, projects and groups specifically focussed on tackling environmental issues. He was given the award for setting up and running up the group for over ten years. 


The group report local fly tipping and pick up litter in our carparks, on the streets. The group comprises of fifteen volunteers who litter pick on the first Saturday of every month. They are regularly accompanied by local councillors and our local MP has also joined them occasionally.


George Andrews has written a short overview of COP27

The United Nations has published 10 easy actions to help limit climate change


Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way we travel, to the electricity we use, the food we eat, and the things we buy, we can make a difference.


In 18th century Paris, during the age of Enlightenment, music salons were commonplace. A host
would invite like minded individuals to their home to be entertained by live musicians; the purpose
of such salons was simply to enhance the musical and cultural appreciation of those attending.

Forty five years ago, the instigators of the HHA Music Group took the principles of the Paris music salon and have run with them to this day. Each month since 1974, a member has hosted at their home aconvivial evening of recorded music of their choice interspersed with refreshments and discussion.

The Group celebrated its 45th birthday with a garden party in September 2020.

" I joined the group in 2018 and every music night I attend has presented me with interesting and sometimes exciting new discoveries. While my own tastes are centred upon some of the more serious pop, rock and folk music of the 1960's and 1970's, my fellow members have introduced me to some achingly beautiful classical pieces, cool and soulful jazz, life enhancing world music and melodic tunes by new British singer songwriters (amongst many other things). 

Music group membership requires no formal musical skills or virtuosity, only an open mind (and ears) and a readiness to listen to an evening of specially selected music." 

Geoff Caldwell

Each meeting is the third Thursday of the month. Just click the button below to liaise directly with Geoff if you interested in joining the group.

Community Police Liaison 

Carole Atkinson is our Police Liaison representative and regularly attends Police Liaison Group (PLG) meetings.


Police Liaison Group Meetings are held at The Greenwood Centre. If you are interested in joining the meetings you can either just turn up or contact the Safer Neighbourhood Team  (SNT) at . We are also encouraging residents to become members of their local Neighbourhood Watch or, if there is not a watch in their road, to set one up.  More information can be obtained from  Our SNT hold regular contact sessions in the community, and you may have seen them at one of the Costas in the High Street.  They are always looking for other suitable venues where they can interact with the community, so if you have any suggestions, please feed them back to the SNT.


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