Planning News
We keep a careful eye on all planning applications that might affect Hampton Hill and the immediate area. When necessary we attend planning committee meetings as a voice for the community and make representations on behalf of the residents.
Planning Permission Refused
3 - 4 New Broadway Hampton Hill 22/1325/FUL Ground floor conversion from commercial to two 1B1P self-contained dwellings. Single storey rear extension to accommodate one new 2B4P self-contained dwelling.
This is 'Leigh Gallery' to which the HHA objected.
St Clare Development
This large scale proposal was rejected by the local Planning Committee in December 2020. It was refused on the grounds of not providing enough commercial space and social housing. The developer is currently in the process of appealing the decision as well as putting in a new proposal. The new application seeks to address the reasons for refusal and has increased the number of homes to be offered at London Affordable Rent from 17 to 21 (+4) whilst decreasing shared ownership (39 to 35, -4). There has is an increase in commercial space that has been created by removing 19 car parking spaces.
Comments can be made on
We support the view of local residents that the development in its current form would detrimental to Hampton Hill.
Telecommunications Apparatus
St Hampton And Uxbridge Road Hampton
Installation of a new monopole 20m in height supporting six antennas with a wraparound equipment cabinet at the base of the column, installation of three new equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto.
Refused Permission 05/11/2021
The benefit of and need for better connectivity not least for businesses throughout the village remains compelling.
The Windmill Pub
An application to convert the pub to a single dwelling has been approved. But the application for three houses on the car park has been refused on the grounds of affordable housing and traffic/safety.
It does not expunge the previous approval for change of use of the pub to a single dwelling.